Creation Date: 07/02/2010
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verywhere the heat was choking, as the cemetery was cold. The high wall to the corner of the cemetery was the grave, whose tombstone draws the attention of people who sometimes went alone to the end of the cemetery with the desire to find something special. The tombstones face radiated girl who was at that time, which corresponded to this photo, very happy. Her smile was so beautiful. Before the grave stood a boy, and sadly looking at the tombstone, which was heading in his quote: "Whoever you if you listen, you will find me next to ". The boy could have so 18 years. He stood there in the shade of lime, a hand-held bouquet margarétok beautiful. rub their hands on him, and at times tears fell. I was standing in the background with a little curiosity, and observed him. He stood there maybe three hours already, no time to bind, or simply nepozrel elsewhere than on the face of the girl. I proceeded further, that I saw him in the face. He saw me but like I also do not see until I neprihovorila him. He was nice and it seemed to me that perhaps I have never seen more beautiful boy. It was strange that a kid is now somewhere the swimming pool, which would certainly be surrounded by a mass of girls that are standing and his tears fall. When I looked at his lips, I saw that somebody is talking, but nobody was there. Only after a while I realized that the words which are deleted through the lip for someone who has to sleep forever. These were the words of the extremely beautiful girl. whisper something, but I did not understand him. Only after a while, and he strengthened sob whisper: "Why did you leave? "At that moment I would prefer it not be lost and witnesses. Then, put flowers on the grave, opened kahanček and burned the candle. He walked from his pocket handkerchief, overworked eyes and you saw me. For a while, and stopped her beautiful eyes looked at me. It was a very sad sight, but it velvety soft voice. , "Hey, you need something? " He told me. I did not prevail on the floor. He asked me again and that I was moved to tears. When he went to me, he said, let neplačem that life is bad. Led me to a bench and lent my handkerchief. It was a terrible moment., "Sorry, I did not want to, " I said. , "It"s okay, " he said and began to tell me their story.,, Called Klárika. We started to walk together. We know a friend in the celebration. I like so I went for it, so we dance. A then I invited her to drink. seemed to me like a goddess that someone had sent me. We talked together and then I escorted her home. The second day we were swimming together, where we first kissed so. Then there was a lot of beautiful days. After half a year for the first time we slept together. We went over to the school. Only once we had pohádali, but it was not long after the first hour we were together again. We went along to the cinema and the theater almost since we moved apart. Our gang told us, "loved ones ". " Martin When I talked about it all, it was my turn to tears. I did not know to keep the tears, I wept and wept and on. florid and linden trees around were the only witnesses to our conversation. His eyes had a strange sadness and grief, I"ve never seen. It was strange to see the guy crying., "When she was 17, we went together exactly one year. we celebrated with friends at the cottage parents and then we went swimming. It was wonderful together in love and then water the entire future. morning left friends and we remained alone. We made a festive breakfast on the grass and in that moment I was the happiest man in the world. "When you finish the story, slowing down the pace, and his eyes were tears zalievali . Then he began talking about how sad day ... , Was exactly how hot it is today and we decided to go go into the wild. We went to a magnificent piece of the lake from us, where no one usually is not. And today we were alone. Klárka was beautiful that day. It brand new clothes and hair beautifully developed. I was happy ... In the evening approached and we decided to go to dance at prom. People looked after us and telling us what a wonderful couple. When the fun ended, we went home every other car. Recently we kissed, hugged and everyone went his way. I came home and went to sleep. Middle of the night my phone ring, and brought into the hospital severely injured girl, who wishes me to come there. I ran the whole time, I do not know how I had crossed. I opened the door and looked at me utrápene. I crossed into her room. Parents sat around the bed. In her eyes was the sight, which never forget. She told me: "I will not die, but it must be. " So the parents are contacted and quiet voice that it was so foreign, she said, "For everything you did for me, thank you ". I held her by the hand and her voice, which is hardly bare room, said, "I love you very and I want from you. Bring me some margarétky, do not leave my tomb empty. I will love you forever. I had you all very happy parents, you, only in my life. "Then fell asleep and we had to leave. Her Mom collapsed and her father with eyes filled with her then support. I ran out and started my tears flow. Suddenly I was alone. I wanted to die. They gave her just a little hope. The whole night I was transient and did not know whether it still lives. Svitalo and set a new date, but I was very strange. She died early in the morning to internal bleeding. Last let me look at her and then drove. I stood there in the hallway and my tears could flow as a pea. I did not want to believe that my single had died and that it has never nepobozkám, nepohladím, neobjímem whole month ... then I walked anywhere. I will not bother to school at all and still I went back to those places where we were happy together. I was all completely one, every day I stood at her grave, and scold, I let her go alone. Had to go with me, it would nothing happened to her. He ran into them drunk driver. And now for walk here every day. I do not want to entertain people, you are the first with whom I talk. I do not know, but I feel that you are the only one who understands me. Let But everything for yourself, please! "People are evil. Never have I do not want to go with any babou. So now go and leave me here alone. " With these words with me farewell and I felt as caving somewhere deep and I will return. What is the life unfair! Yet several times I saw him. Then he went to war, and we wrote. We have remained friends, rode on the boat, but we never imagined that we could live together. As time passed, and Martin is now on the tomb every day bouquet margarétok just me. It"s just a month, which is killed in a car. All he said, "suicide ", but I knew why he did. It was a victory for him. Everywhere the heat, only the cemetery is cold, which is interwoven with veins of pain. I sit under the lime tree in bloom, and I keep margarétky hand. They are lying side by side and are still together. So here I sit and talk with them - are here with me ..
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