If I am not crying it does not mean everything would be alright...
I think, I am comfused, I am tired...I am not selfish thou, I have tried so hard, but maybe I am not made for this... Leave, run and expect everything can change by that...You would say "too bad"... As I am thinking about I am figuring out..You are right. We are learning whole life, not only when we sit behind wooden desk and listen to them. But I miss you more and more every minute of my lonely life.
People look at me how I am smiling all the time just because I do not want change your good mood with mine which is sad. Like a message in a bottle I would write to you...you not exist person
I know it. Sometimes are my feelings simillar to yours. But i try to find a light which helps me to be optimistic. Maybe once, the world will understand me.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.