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You kill me with your cry,
please don't say me goodbye,
I know you don't care,
when you are somewhere there.
where you can't feel this pain,
where it feels like fresh rain,
where you want to do,
all what means to be you.

When I am somewhere there,
my friends say: "you love her!",
cause they feel I can't get enough,
cause I taste to fall in love,
I feel you everywhere,
but i'm afraid I don't care.

I don't care, I don't want to be,
I don't care, Idon't want to see,
I don't care, I know I love you,
I don't care, when I'm without you.

Nobody want to die,
no rules, no suicide,
in this perfect world rule only we,
in this perfect world can everybody see,
and nobody is loosing inocence,
I don't care if there are som diference,
cause I need you,
I'll never be without you.

I'm wating my inocence,
I feel like dead,
I don't see any diference
cause I'm too sad,
to be.

Maybe something, is realy ok,
but something mean nothing to say.

lewisa  22. 4. 2009 18:59
velmi pekne
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