Ak si niekde v obchode, al. v reklamnom katalógu pozeráte nové hodinky, (ručičkové) je pravdepodobné že je na nich nastavený východzí čas 10:10 - s vačšou či menšou odchýlkou. Prečo?
Je to norma Európskej Únie? Koniec 12 hodinovej smeny v čínskych m
1.) Clock and watch makers normally if not always, put their logo under the number 12. So placing the hands of the clock to 10 and 2, helps to frame and show the logo.
2.) When we look at the clock and it shows t 10:10, it makes a resemblance to a smiley face. It is better to see it that way, because it can produce a positive vibes at the store and will then increase the sales of the clocks and watches.
3.) Many claim that Abraham Lincoln has a great influence on this because he died at 10:10 pm. But, facts say that he was shot at 10:15 night and died the next morning.
4.) When the hands of the clocks are place at 10:10, the other details are clearly visible as compared to placing it on other numbers. Take note that they don’t place the hands of the clock on one number because both hands of the clock must be visible.
5.) They say that clocks set on 10:10 time looks more symmetrical, therefore it is better for advertisement.
a k téme, existuje mnoho teórii o tom Že naznačujú hodinky úsmev a že vraj sa na teba hodinky usmievajú alebo že to tvorí začiarknutie, ktoré psychologicky človeka núti si hodinky kúpiť. Z matematického hladiska sa to nazýva aj zlatý uhol, ktorý je príjemný na pohľad a nie pojašený illuminati.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
39 komentov
ale just si nejaký leták kuknem, sranda
2.) When we look at the clock and it shows t 10:10, it makes a resemblance to a smiley face. It is better to see it that way, because it can produce a positive vibes at the store and will then increase the sales of the clocks and watches.
3.) Many claim that Abraham Lincoln has a great influence on this because he died at 10:10 pm. But, facts say that he was shot at 10:15 night and died the next morning.
4.) When the hands of the clocks are place at 10:10, the other details are clearly visible as compared to placing it on other numbers. Take note that they don’t place the hands of the clock on one number because both hands of the clock must be visible.
5.) They say that clocks set on 10:10 time looks more symmetrical, therefore it is better for advertisement.
prečo spájaš jezuitov a iluminatov ?
nikdy som sa nad tým nezamyslel, ale keby sa zamyslím, tak by mi to bolo asi jasné
a inak podla mňa to je taký hmm sympatický čas proste vyzera to lepšie ked je 10:10 ako keď je tam napríklad 14:10
Inak ja som nič také ešte nevidel akurát hľadám nejaké hodinky na ruku a v hodinárstvach sú hodinky všetky nastavené inak a polovica z nich beží