Nie, ona je pásikatá... Keby bola biela a niekto by jej natrel čierne pruhy, potom by bola biela s čiernymi pruhmi. A samozrejme naopak. Ale jej sa tie pruhy striedajú, takže je čierno-biela. Príp. bielo-čierna. Zálaží od toho, či sa zebra začína bielym alebo čiernym pásikom.
Vzhladom na jeden americky vtip, ktory ani velmi vtipny nie je, zebra je jednoznacne biely kon s ciernymi pruhmi
Ten vtip bol asi takto nejako:
Zebra goes to heaven, there it meets st Peter and ask him: I have question - am i white horse with black stripes or black horse with white stripes?
St. Peter said he dont know the answer, but god will know it...
So zebra asks this question again and the god answers: You are what you are...
Zebra is confused but go back to st peter and he asks: so what? the zebra says the god said this "you are, what you are"... so i still dont know the answer.... Peter says: no no, you already know the answer you are white horse with black stripes. Because if you would be black horse with white stripes the god would say you is what you is....
vysvetlenie: cernosi co sa pristahuju z jamajky nevedia dobre po anglicky a namiesto "you are .... " hovoria "you is..."
podla mna najskor spocitate kolko ma bielych pruhov a kolko ciernych.....a podla toho zistite ci je biela s cernymi alebo cierna s to individualne
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
22 komentov
Ten vtip bol asi takto nejako:
Zebra goes to heaven, there it meets st Peter and ask him: I have question - am i white horse with black stripes or black horse with white stripes?
St. Peter said he dont know the answer, but god will know it...
So zebra asks this question again and the god answers: You are what you are...
Zebra is confused but go back to st peter and he asks: so what? the zebra says the god said this "you are, what you are"... so i still dont know the answer.... Peter says: no no, you already know the answer you are white horse with black stripes. Because if you would be black horse with white stripes the god would say you is what you is....
vysvetlenie: cernosi co sa pristahuju z jamajky nevedia dobre po anglicky a namiesto "you are .... " hovoria "you is..."
PS: hovoril som, ze ten vtip nie je vtipny
kua,mi idete na nervy taky magori co chcu byt akoze"zaujimavy",akoze "zvlastny" akoze "iny".. .
ked sa maľuje na cestu prechod pre chodcov,,tak sa natierajú biele pásy...čierny asfalt už tam je
je to jasné