As I noticed during several healing sessions, a witch-finder
employs contra-magic as a healing strategy in order to send
the patient’s illness back to a witch. As it turned out, reversing
the charm against a sender is a prerequisite for a patient’s
successful recovery. This means that a patient can be gradually
recovered at the same time as a witch became afflicted.
To control the effectiveness of the contra-magic, some witchfinders
use a special glass bottle filled with water and small
wooden sticks
ale už som našiel ten spávny výnam toho slova, každopádne vďaka
A witch-finder is a type of a traditional healer specialised in detection and destruction of witches.
...hmm...mozno sa mylim ale na zaklade tohto by som to prelozil asi v rovnakom zmysle ako aj witch-hunter... skratka lovec carodejnic... zaklinac carodejnic...saman.. omg.. nieco na tento styl asi..
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
9 komentov
employs contra-magic as a healing strategy in order to send
the patient’s illness back to a witch. As it turned out, reversing
the charm against a sender is a prerequisite for a patient’s
successful recovery. This means that a patient can be gradually
recovered at the same time as a witch became afflicted.
To control the effectiveness of the contra-magic, some witchfinders
use a special glass bottle filled with water and small
wooden sticks
A witch-finder is a type of a traditional healer specialised in detection and destruction of witches.