co ja viem.. ved ked sa dezolati nedokazu chranit sami, tak sa ich snazi ochranit stat.. vraj by to malo byt jednou z uloh statu, ale ja nie som politolog ani pravnik
Je to nezmysel. Lockdown má byť pre všetkých. Boris Johnson to už v apríli 2021 povedal jasne:
"But it is very, very important for everybody to understand that the reduction in these numbers - in hospitalisations and in deaths and infections - has not been achieved by the vaccination programme.
"People don't, I think, appreciate that it's the lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the pandemic and in the figures that we're seeing.
"And so, yes of course the vaccination programme has helped, but the bulk of the work in reducing the disease has been done by the lockdown.
"So, as we unlock, the result will inevitably be that we will see more infection, sadly we will see more hospitalisation and deaths, and people have just got to understand that."
@thunderstorm@11 Je to drastické, dlhodobo neudržateľné, ale v zimnom období krátky dvojtýždňový lockdown by pomohol. Je to totiž jediné isté riešenie. Má jasné pravidlá a jasné výsledky. Ochranné pomôcky, hygiena = pomocné opatrenie, očkovanie starých a chorých = pomocné opatrenie, Lockdown = 100 % istota poklesu, odskúšané. A takisto by sa za tie dva týždne mali stanoviť postupy ako aktívne, ihneď po infekcii a miernom zhoršení stavu podať ohrozeným pacientom liečivá - kortikoidy, antikoagulanciá, vitamíny D a C vo vysokých dávkach, monoklonálne protilátky, antibiotiká a pod. Prosto L+L lockdown a včasná liečba, nech to stojí, čo to stojí. Ono veľa tých liekov napr. môže byť liečivých aj keď nelieči priamo, ale funguje ako placebo a psychika robí veľa.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
16 komentov
"But it is very, very important for everybody to understand that the reduction in these numbers - in hospitalisations and in deaths and infections - has not been achieved by the vaccination programme.
"People don't, I think, appreciate that it's the lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the pandemic and in the figures that we're seeing.
"And so, yes of course the vaccination programme has helped, but the bulk of the work in reducing the disease has been done by the lockdown.
"So, as we unlock, the result will inevitably be that we will see more infection, sadly we will see more hospitalisation and deaths, and people have just got to understand that."