Mám jednu vec, ktorej skutočné a plné uznanie by človeku radikálne zmenilo vnímanie celého sveta. A práve preto to ľudia nemajú záujem uznať. A pritom je to len čistá logika:
from where would "government" get the right to do things that normal people have no right to do? For example, where does the right to "tax" people come from? Since normal people have no such right, they can't possibly have GIVEN that right to someone else. Or, did a magic piece of parchment (the Constitution) alter morality, and suddenly make it so it was OKAY for SOME people to steal? No. In short, NOTHING can make something evil into something good, though the entire notion of "government" rests on the idea that that is possible.
People can't be left to govern themselves." Oh, really? And just what SHOULD be governing us humans? A benevolent moose? A wise aardvark? Perhaps a committee of bol weevils? Since all "governments" consist entirely of PEOPLE (and not very good ones, at that), how on earth can there be a structure which removes the natural tendencies (good or bad) of people? To put it another way, if you had a big cage full of 100 rabid dogs, what form of "government" could you institute among them to make them all be nice?
None, of course. And if you tied down most of them and filed their teeth down to dull stumps, while giving spiked collars to a few of them, do you think that would REDUCE the violence that would occur? Of course not. The unstrained ones would eat the restrained ones. Anyone could predict that. So why would we expect "government" in human society to somehow magically benefit the good instead of the evil?
@openmindedfreak potraty su ok a aj homesexualita, nemam rad ked niekto sa sere druhemu do zivota a kaze mu co ma a co nema, ked niekto ma na to dvovod preco to tak je tak nech roby, je vela ludi co sa staraju odsudzuju ale naopak kto z tych ludi pomohol takym? skritizovat dokaze kohokolvek a kedykolvek nadavat hocikto no uz pomoct a podporit len malokto.
Vlak ide po koľajniciach, asi 500 metrov pred ním je päť ľudí, dajme tomu priviazaných o koľaje ako vo westernových filmoch. Naokolo nie je nikto, kto by pomohol a ty stojíš na moste, na ktorom je páka. Tou pákou môžeš zmeniť výhybku a presunúť tak vlak na druhú koľaj, na ktorej je priviazaný jeden človek. Potiahneš páku? (Predpokladajme, že na žiadnej z koľají nie je dieťa ani starý človek)
potraty už boli zmienené, to je zamotaná vec
a môj osobný pohľad je pro-choice (čo sa nerovná potratu za každú cenu, ale skrátka tomu, že žena má sama nárok si zvoliť, čo bude s jej telom etc. a má prístup k bezpečnému riešeniu - namiesto ilegálneho nebezpečného - do určitého štádia vývoja plodu)
a keď sa už tie moralnie dilemy riešia, neviem, možno tu niekto čítal Omnivore's dilemma od Pollana, toto je na to vtipná a výstižná reakcia, čo som bol zhliadol predvčírom
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
10 komentov
from where would "government" get the right to do things that normal people have no right to do? For example, where does the right to "tax" people come from? Since normal people have no such right, they can't possibly have GIVEN that right to someone else. Or, did a magic piece of parchment (the Constitution) alter morality, and suddenly make it so it was OKAY for SOME people to steal? No. In short, NOTHING can make something evil into something good, though the entire notion of "government" rests on the idea that that is possible.
People can't be left to govern themselves." Oh, really? And just what SHOULD be governing us humans? A benevolent moose? A wise aardvark? Perhaps a committee of bol weevils? Since all "governments" consist entirely of PEOPLE (and not very good ones, at that), how on earth can there be a structure which removes the natural tendencies (good or bad) of people? To put it another way, if you had a big cage full of 100 rabid dogs, what form of "government" could you institute among them to make them all be nice?
None, of course. And if you tied down most of them and filed their teeth down to dull stumps, while giving spiked collars to a few of them, do you think that would REDUCE the violence that would occur? Of course not. The unstrained ones would eat the restrained ones. Anyone could predict that. So why would we expect "government" in human society to somehow magically benefit the good instead of the evil?
» www.rogershermansociety.org/beware.htm...
Vlak ide po koľajniciach, asi 500 metrov pred ním je päť ľudí, dajme tomu priviazaných o koľaje ako vo westernových filmoch. Naokolo nie je nikto, kto by pomohol a ty stojíš na moste, na ktorom je páka. Tou pákou môžeš zmeniť výhybku a presunúť tak vlak na druhú koľaj, na ktorej je priviazaný jeden človek. Potiahneš páku? (Predpokladajme, že na žiadnej z koľají nie je dieťa ani starý človek)
a môj osobný pohľad je pro-choice (čo sa nerovná potratu za každú cenu, ale skrátka tomu, že žena má sama nárok si zvoliť, čo bude s jej telom etc. a má prístup k bezpečnému riešeniu - namiesto ilegálneho nebezpečného - do určitého štádia vývoja plodu)
a keď sa už tie moralnie dilemy riešia, neviem, možno tu niekto čítal Omnivore's dilemma od Pollana, toto je na to vtipná a výstižná reakcia, čo som bol zhliadol predvčírom