Life goes by as water flows all around my fingers. World full of slaughter I can"t even stick up with it, wishes of knowledge of all. YOU, do NOT know me worries, predictions, bollox. Sickness in heart and pain, everything healed by todays" rain. As you go by, you do not even care, do not stop not a single try, people left with a heart in a rot. I wish I would take care, to talk to my closest, so they finally get that they are my rare. No words could ever describe, what should they know. No more I grow on my pride, all gets too real and so.. I am missing you YOU are my unique too. As far as my cynicism goes, questions without deepness... People no longer are my foes, and I find myself in state of creepness. Just see that you are real and I am missing you, YOU are my unique too... P.S.: I am horribly drunk, but...( like I give a fuck ) Blog 2 0 0 0 0 Komentuj
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