no aj mňa to zaujímalo, lebo je to dedina a v každom dieli je zabitých minimálne 5 až 6 ľudí, tak mi z toho vychádza, že v priebehu 7 častí musí vymreť celá dedina
@marttina Vraždy v Midsomeri, to je taký akože krimi seriál. V každom dieli nezomrie 1 alebo 2 ľudia, ako to zvykne bývať, ale asi 6 Tak preto tá otázka, že koľko ľudí tam vlastne ešte zostalo
ja som sa na wiki dočítal, že to je celá county a nie iba dedina..
a v tomto samozrejme v krimiseriáloch netreba hľadať nejakú logiku, to by sme sa museli pozastaviť napríklad aj nad tým, ako sa v okolí Hercule Poirota vždy stane vražda, nech sa pohne kamkoľvek atď.
There is a basic template which all 123463 minute long episodes follow:
1.There is a murder in a fairly normal run of the mill way for middle England.
2.Barnaby is called in to solve the murder.
3.Barnaby interrrogates all the 12 posh suspects.
4.Barnaby has sex with a deputy, or in one unaired episode, a carrot.
5.There is another murder.
6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 until only one suspect remains alive. They must be the murderer. Four times out of ten, the murderer is one of Barnaby's many past lovers from his former life as a waiter serving garbage and faeces to rodents.
Seeing as there are about 12 murders per episode, and there has been one episode a week since 1997, that makes a lot of murders. Too many to count. The majority of the viewers wonder how there is anyone left in Midsomer. Shouldn't they have all been murdered by now?
Some try to claim that people just keep moving into Midsomer. But I ask them: who in their right mind would want to live in a place where 90% of the population are in prison for murder?
I guess house prices must be pretty cheap though.]
Others speculate that there is a random generation machine hidden somewhere in the village that creates new humans by re-sampling dna samples.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
24 komentov
a v tomto samozrejme v krimiseriáloch netreba hľadať nejakú logiku, to by sme sa museli pozastaviť napríklad aj nad tým, ako sa v okolí Hercule Poirota vždy stane vražda, nech sa pohne kamkoľvek atď.
There is a basic template which all 123463 minute long episodes follow:
1.There is a murder in a fairly normal run of the mill way for middle England.
2.Barnaby is called in to solve the murder.
3.Barnaby interrrogates all the 12 posh suspects.
4.Barnaby has sex with a deputy, or in one unaired episode, a carrot.
5.There is another murder.
6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 until only one suspect remains alive. They must be the murderer. Four times out of ten, the murderer is one of Barnaby's many past lovers from his former life as a waiter serving garbage and faeces to rodents.
Seeing as there are about 12 murders per episode, and there has been one episode a week since 1997, that makes a lot of murders. Too many to count. The majority of the viewers wonder how there is anyone left in Midsomer. Shouldn't they have all been murdered by now?
Some try to claim that people just keep moving into Midsomer. But I ask them: who in their right mind would want to live in a place where 90% of the population are in prison for murder?
I guess house prices must be pretty cheap though.]
Others speculate that there is a random generation machine hidden somewhere in the village that creates new humans by re-sampling dna samples.