chcel som zahlasovat za nie. potom som si ale uvedomil, ze vlastne ani neviem, ake songy ma. tak som sa cez nejake preklikal. a zistil som, ze absolutne vobec nie.
Kedysi daaavno pred 10 rokmi som mala jeho jednu skladbu strašne rada, som si ju púšťala stále dookola a okrem toho, neviem o žiadnych jeho iných songoch
„I got a problem, yo, I was ecstatic to buy Yeezus
But I burned it first, heard it, and snapped it in five pieces
Man, Kanye on that bullshit
That’s why the paparazzi made that nigga hit his fuckin' head, that’s what that fool get
You think you God now
You half-assin' rap little faggot bitch?
Perhaps you suffered brain damage
Back when you had that accident
But most importantly, hip-hop isn’t dead no more, you see
'Cause Kendrick took the bar
And then raised it up higher for MC's
Unfortunately the little nigga's like 4 feet 3
The guy's a fuckin' midget, his high is still really short to me“
(Hopsin – Hop is Back)
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
14 komentov
But I burned it first, heard it, and snapped it in five pieces
Man, Kanye on that bullshit
That’s why the paparazzi made that nigga hit his fuckin' head, that’s what that fool get
You think you God now
You half-assin' rap little faggot bitch?
Perhaps you suffered brain damage
Back when you had that accident
But most importantly, hip-hop isn’t dead no more, you see
'Cause Kendrick took the bar
And then raised it up higher for MC's
Unfortunately the little nigga's like 4 feet 3
The guy's a fuckin' midget, his high is still really short to me“
(Hopsin – Hop is Back)