Môže byť takýto preklad? Prosím o opravu. Anglicky neviem...
Chcel by som sa Vám v úvode môjho listu predstaviť. Volám sa XXX. Mám XXX rokov a pochádzam z malého mesta XXX, ktoré leží na Slovensku. Zaujímam sa o históriu, politiku, umenie a všeobecné dianie vo svete.
už prvá veta je dosť zle napísaná. ďalej som to už ani nečítal totižto Chcel by som sa Vám predstaviť má ucelenú formu Let me introduce myself alebo I would like to introduce myself po prípade iné formulky.
niezeby by som bola nejak vymakana, ale stale lepsie ako google translate....a ked sa tu najde este niekto lepsi, tak mi to popripade opravi najlepsie ako bude vediet.
At first, I would like to introduce myself.... My name is xxx and I am xxx years old. I am interested in history, politics, art and general happening in the world.
It is great honour to me to write this letter, because I appreciate you as a person, who not only contributed to Great Britain, but to whole world and certainly to democracy in Slovakia.
Consequently I would like you to sign me a photo, I am attaching to letter. I will be delighted If you sign me that photo with the pen, which you can find in envelope, in order to make my collection complete properly.
You do not have to send the pen back, because of possible damage of photo. Thank you very much.
hmmm.....popripade skus este zmenit znenie toho listu, lebo ani po slovensky neznie najuzasnejsie
Let me introduce myself first. Ma name is xx, I am xx years old and come from xx, a small city in Slovakia.
I take an interest in history, politics, arts and current events (in general).
It is my honor to be writing this letter to you for I greatly appreciate your merits and contribution from which not only Great Britain (,) but the whole world have benefited, just as Slovakia has (,) on its way to democracy.
(In accordance with the above-written) I would be honoured to have you sign the enclosed photograph for me. I am also sending a permanent market which I kindly ask you to use in order to maintain the uniformity of my collection. Do not feel obliged to send the permanent marker back, as it might damage the photograph.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
24 komentov
Ten je dobrý akurát na približný preklad Z cudzieho jazyka, používať ho na preklad DO cudzieho jazyka je blbosť...
Už prvú vetu by som naspäť do slovenčiny preložila zhruba ako "Chcem vám, vo svojom liste úvodu predstaviť."
k nám raz na hodinu prišla jedna angličanka profesorka z londína a ked začala rozprávať tak ani naša profka jej nerozumela....
najlepšie je v tom štáte žiť aspom rok a nachytaš vela vedomosti...filip
Len jej prosímťa neposielaj toto, lebo asi bude myslieť, že žiadaš nejaký sociálny príspevok alebo čo
daj to radšej preložiť niekomu kto sa do toho rozumie (a google translate to nebude)
akoze prvy a druhy odstavec som pochopil, ale z tretieho (anglickeho) absolutne nechapem co chces
At first, I would like to introduce myself.... My name is xxx and I am xxx years old. I am interested in history, politics, art and general happening in the world.
It is great honour to me to write this letter, because I appreciate you as a person, who not only contributed to Great Britain, but to whole world and certainly to democracy in Slovakia.
Consequently I would like you to sign me a photo, I am attaching to letter. I will be delighted If you sign me that photo with the pen, which you can find in envelope, in order to make my collection complete properly.
You do not have to send the pen back, because of possible damage of photo. Thank you very much.
hmmm.....popripade skus este zmenit znenie toho listu, lebo ani po slovensky neznie najuzasnejsie
Čo takto:
Let me introduce myself first. Ma name is xx, I am xx years old and come from xx, a small city in Slovakia.
I take an interest in history, politics, arts and current events (in general).
It is my honor to be writing this letter to you for I greatly appreciate your merits and contribution from which not only Great Britain (,) but the whole world have benefited, just as Slovakia has (,) on its way to democracy.
(In accordance with the above-written) I would be honoured to have you sign the enclosed photograph for me. I am also sending a permanent market which I kindly ask you to use in order to maintain the uniformity of my collection. Do not feel obliged to send the permanent marker back, as it might damage the photograph.
Thank you very much.
Inak je to hodne štylisticky zlé aj po slovensky.