You Are
Secretive and moody, you are a quiet person. Waters are usually very good with words and have the talent of 'invisibility' ...They can pass unnoticed through crowds or in large groups of people. Waters are moody and secretive, so the are animals are a tiger (or large cat) or a falcon. Your colors are blues and purples and blacks. Waters dislike showoffs and know-it-alls.
@silviaaa odporúčam niekde si prečítať tie najzákladnejšie základy toho ako fungujú hyperlinky (odkazy)
Secretive and moody, you are a quiet person. Waters are usually very good with words and have the talent of 'invisibility' ...They can pass unnoticed through crowds or in large groups of people. Waters are moody and secretive, so the are animals are a tiger (or large cat) or a falcon. Your colors are blues and purples and blacks. Waters dislike showoffs and know-it-alls.
hm. na to čo som bol keď som ešte bol to čo som vcelku sedí.
na obľúbenú farbu ma nepustí ďalej lebo tam nie je čierna :ehm:
ale pokiaľ som vzala farby prírody zelená hnedá tak mi vyšiel vzduch. a nehodí sa na mňa "You have a happy side, so your animal would be a dolphin (vybrala som orla) or a sea creature. Your colors are yellow and white (hnedú, zelenú)."
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
38 komentov
a vyšla mi tiež voda
Secretive and moody, you are a quiet person. Waters are usually very good with words and have the talent of 'invisibility' ...They can pass unnoticed through crowds or in large groups of people. Waters are moody and secretive, so the are animals are a tiger (or large cat) or a falcon. Your colors are blues and purples and blacks. Waters dislike showoffs and know-it-alls.
@soltyky To sa mi páči.
Secretive and moody, you are a quiet person. Waters are usually very good with words and have the talent of 'invisibility' ...They can pass unnoticed through crowds or in large groups of people. Waters are moody and secretive, so the are animals are a tiger (or large cat) or a falcon. Your colors are blues and purples and blacks. Waters dislike showoffs and know-it-alls.
hm. na to čo som bol keď som ešte bol to čo som vcelku sedí.
Ale nepáči sa mi ten test.
ale pokiaľ som vzala farby prírody zelená hnedá tak mi vyšiel vzduch. a nehodí sa na mňa "You have a happy side, so your animal would be a dolphin (vybrala som orla) or a sea creature. Your colors are yellow and white (hnedú, zelenú)."