Dobre si na to pamätám,
stála si tam sama.
bol chladný september.
a bolo ti zima.
Zobral som ťa za ruku
ponúkol ti teplý čaj.
Rozprávali sme sa celé hodiny,
nechcel som,
aby si odišla.
No musela si...

Nikdy nezabudnem
na tvoje krasne oči,
Nikdy nezabudnem na chvile stravene s tebou..
nezabudnem ani na tvoje bozky,
Budeš navždy v mojom srdci.

Pri odchode si sa tvarila,
ako by medzi nami nikdy nič nebolo.
Ranila si ma tým.
Bola to tvoja stratégia??

postavila si sa s tým,
že už musíš ísť.
Vraj, zmeškáš lietadlo.
Možno to som práve chcel,
ešte chvilu ťa zdržať.
pozerať sa ešte chvilu na teba.
No, ty to už asi nechceš.
som z teba zmätený.

Nikdy nezabudnem
na tvoje krásne oči,
Nikdy nezabudnem na chvile
strávené s tebou.
nezabudnem ani na tvoje bozky
Budeš navždy v mojom srdci.

chcem vyletieť a ukončť tento moment.
Už to nevydržím.
Nevydržím, ako predstieraš,
že už ku mne nič necítiš.
prosím ťa,
aby si na mňa nikdy nezabudla,
lebo dnes mi povieš dovidenia.


I’ll never forget

I clearly remember,
vou stood there alone
It was a cold september,
And you were cold.
I took your hand,
Offered hot tea.
We talked for hours,
I didn’t want you to leave,
But you had to.

I’ll never forget,
Your beautiful eyes,
I’ll never forget the time
We spent together.
I’ll never forget,
Your kisses.
You’ll be always in my heart.

When you were leaving,
You looked like nothing happened.
I was hurt by it.
Was it your strategy?

You got up,and said that you had to leave,
Because you’re going to miss your plane.
Maybe I wanted to hold you,
To look at you for a little while,
But you don’t want it,
I don’t know,
I’m confused.


You know,
I wanna fly and stop this moment.
I can’t take it anymore.
I can’t take that you don’t care,
That you feel nothing,
Please, don’t you ever forget me,
Because tonight you’ll say good bye.

tigriik89  5. 10. 2010 12:41
bude sa to prekladat do ang,,,,,preto sa to nerymuje
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