Naozaj by som potreboval pomoc nejakého angličtinára, lebo už sa trápim s touto piesňou vyše mesiaca a ništ. Potrebujem zistiť či je toto, čo som vôbec počul správne a doplniť (...) miesta. Prosím o vašu pomoc a vopred ďakujem.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
7 komentov
Rolling over
Rolling over when it´s noon
Listen now ALL IS TUNE
listen to be, go in time
and go by the ... noon
one fall by the finger in tune
I saw it by, so new all alone
Rolling over, when it´s noon
Howling at the moon
listen to be, go in time
and it go, but the CAME around
I saw by your number in tune
He called your number, noon
And the cops, coming closer
and the fingers getting outter?
and tongue, ...
I saw your place, so come
skus sa opytat niekoho z UK alebo ameriky oni ti povedia skor
ostatne by som len tapal.
Rolling over when it´s noon
Listen now ...
listen to be, go in time
and go by the ... noon
one fall by the finger in tune
I saw it by, so new all alone
Rolling over, when it´s noon
Howling at the moon
listen to be, go in time
and it go, but the ... around
I saw by your number in tune
He called your number, noon
And the cops, coming closer
and the fingers getting outter?
and tongue, ...
I saw your place, so come
toto om nala na nete