It"s original definition was "Laughing out loud" (also written occasionally as "Lots of Laughs"), used as a brief acronym to denote great amusement in chat conversations.
Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it. In fact, they probably don"t even give a @ !#$ about what you just wrote. More accurately, the acronym "lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."
Depending on the chatter, its definition may vary. The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to:
1) "I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation."
2) "I"m too lazy to read what you just wrote so I"m typing something useless in hopes that you"ll think I"m still paying attention."
3) "Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I"ll pretend I"m amused."
4) "This is a pointless acronym I"m sticking in my sentence just because it"s become so engraved into my mind that when chatting, I MUST use the meaningless sentence-filler "lol.""
Statement: Sorry if I"m not too cheery, my best friend just died yesterday.
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: The golden ratio is truely an intersting aspect of not only mathematics, but art as well.
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: ... And then he says, "Your mom goes to college!"
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: Hey, are you doing anything tonight? You could come over to my house and play some Unreal Tournie...
Používa sa najmä medzi jazykovo zdatnejšími používateľmi. Je to skratka "Laughing out Loud"(smeje sa nahlas). Zmätení noobovia, amatéri a looseri loseri radi používajú tvary s viacerými "o" (napr. "looool", alebo "looooooooooooooooool", čím sa pravdepodobne snažia vyjadriť hlasnejší smiech, ale jediné čo tým vyjadrujú je fakt, že netušia čo vlastne píšu. ("loool" znamena "Laughing out out out loud" - a tým pádom nič neznamená). Predpokladáme, že táto forma vznikla na azete, xchate, v škôlke alebo v niektorej z podobných akreditovaných inštitúcií združujúcich talentované deti.
Prave mi umrela mama
LOL, uprimnu sustrast.
To mi je skutocne luto loool
Nechcela by som byt na tvojom mieste
hehehehehe, dufam ze jej bude na druhom svete lepsie ako s tebou
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
19 komentov
It"s original definition was "Laughing out loud" (also written occasionally as "Lots of Laughs"), used as a brief acronym to denote great amusement in chat conversations.
Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it. In fact, they probably don"t even give a @ !#$ about what you just wrote. More accurately, the acronym "lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."
Depending on the chatter, its definition may vary. The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to:
1) "I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation."
2) "I"m too lazy to read what you just wrote so I"m typing something useless in hopes that you"ll think I"m still paying attention."
3) "Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I"ll pretend I"m amused."
4) "This is a pointless acronym I"m sticking in my sentence just because it"s become so engraved into my mind that when chatting, I MUST use the meaningless sentence-filler "lol.""
Statement: Sorry if I"m not too cheery, my best friend just died yesterday.
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: The golden ratio is truely an intersting aspect of not only mathematics, but art as well.
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: ... And then he says, "Your mom goes to college!"
Worthless Reply: lol
Statement: Hey, are you doing anything tonight? You could come over to my house and play some Unreal Tournie...
Worthless Reply: lol, ok
Prave mi umrela mama
LOL, uprimnu sustrast.
To mi je skutocne luto loool
Nechcela by som byt na tvojom mieste
hehehehehe, dufam ze jej bude na druhom svete lepsie ako s tebou
Dik chalani, ste ti najlepsi kamosi co mam!
V poho, vzdy sa na nas mozes spolahnut, LOL.