@flemi používajú "no doubt" ale to undoubtly je lepšie
s tým contains máš pravdu ... určite nie contains ... includes je lepšie
to whatever strikes you mi tiež moc nesedí, skôr tak ako hovoríš ty .
k 8. prečo minulý čas? už to netrvá?
k Matejovi Korvínovi ... jeho meno sa prekladá aj do angličtiny? to som nevedel ... ale asi by som skorej dal Matej Korvín, ako ho dal v angličtine ...
inak je to fajn, len som to zbežne prebehol... celkový dojem je dobrý
až na pár malých chýb je to dobré, okrem posledného odseku. ten je odveci, ako keby ho písal niekto iný
*without a doubt.. chýbal ti člen.. alebo with no doubt
*library and study of Mattias Corvinus' ....chýbal ti privlastňovací aspostrof na konci
*In front of the castle there is a lime tree of Matthias Corvinus' ... chýbal ti člen a privlastňovací aspostrof
*Around the Bojnice castle there are many stalls where you can buy whatever you want
I think this building impressed me this much because the castle is known for lots of scary legends. I have always been very interested in history and I can just imagine Matthias Corvinus hold great feasts as well as assemblies under the lime trees. I like this castle as there are many secret rooms and cellars where I can hear a lot of legands from the guide
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
14 komentov
jej pomôž aspon kôli nim
2.library and study
3.romantic s malým r
5.the park also includes (teda, neviem, či includes, ale rozhodne nie contains!)
6.In front of the castle
7.whatever you like
8.I think this sight impressed me becuse of many scary legends
9.Matthias C. holding great feasts
s tým contains máš pravdu ... určite nie contains ... includes je lepšie
to whatever strikes you mi tiež moc nesedí, skôr tak ako hovoríš ty .
k 8. prečo minulý čas? už to netrvá?
k Matejovi Korvínovi ... jeho meno sa prekladá aj do angličtiny? to som nevedel ... ale asi by som skorej dal Matej Korvín, ako ho dal v angličtine ...
inak je to fajn, len som to zbežne prebehol... celkový dojem je dobrý
*without a doubt.. chýbal ti člen.. alebo with no doubt
*library and study of Mattias Corvinus' ....chýbal ti privlastňovací aspostrof na konci
*In front of the castle there is a lime tree of Matthias Corvinus' ... chýbal ti člen a privlastňovací aspostrof
*Around the Bojnice castle there are many stalls where you can buy whatever you want
I think this building impressed me this much because the castle is known for lots of scary legends. I have always been very interested in history and I can just imagine Matthias Corvinus hold great feasts as well as assemblies under the lime trees. I like this castle as there are many secret rooms and cellars where I can hear a lot of legands from the guide
dakujem vamsvoje chyby opravim,velka vdaka.prijemny den prajem