Všimol som si, že empairový rozhodcovia napr. vo Wimbledone namiesto "fifteen zero" (15:0), thirty zero (30:0) alebo forthy zero (40:0) používajú namiesto "zero" slovo "love". Prečo je to tak?
no odjakziva sa hovori love, a nie len na wimbledone, bud sa hovori nil alebo love, ale ako preco, ti neviem povedat, jedine co wiki krici :
The origin of the use of "love" for zero is also disputed. It is possible that it derives from the French expression for "the egg" (l'œuf) because an egg looks like the number zero.[4][5] "Love" is also said to derive from l'heure "the hour" in French[citation needed]. A third possibility comes from the Dutch expression iets voor lof doen, which means to do something for praise, implying no monetary stakes.[6]
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
9 komentov
no odjakziva sa hovori love, a nie len na wimbledone, bud sa hovori nil alebo love, ale ako preco, ti neviem povedat, jedine co wiki krici :
The origin of the use of "love" for zero is also disputed. It is possible that it derives from the French expression for "the egg" (l'œuf) because an egg looks like the number zero.[4][5] "Love" is also said to derive from l'heure "the hour" in French[citation needed]. A third possibility comes from the Dutch expression iets voor lof doen, which means to do something for praise, implying no monetary stakes.[6]
@sajuri007 @mia246 asi je najvyšší čas zájsť do toho Anglicka