@stevo ..inac skusil si napriklad cez disk utility opravit permissions? alebo od- a -nainstalovat tu app, alebo co to vlastne je este raz? skus najprv opravit tie permissions a ked to nepojde, skus odinstalovat a nainstalovat tu appku..ale pre kazdy pripad sa ich opytaj aj na tej stranke
@stevo a do tretice..pozrel som si nejake fora a tu mas vyjadrenie jedneho cloveka:
My problems started recently, just after I got my tablet and installed all the software that came with it. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the problem, but I figured I'd mention it. The tablet itself (a Wacom Bamboo Create) did give me problems at first, but after re-installing the drivers from Wacom's website and giving my Macbook a restart, the problems with the tablet went away.
cize ak mas podobny problem, skus tiez preinstalovat drivers, restartuj a daj vediet, ci ti to islo
@trdelniiiq tak po reštarte to vždy funguje, aj reinstal som skúšal. Časom to prestane fungovať. Ale šak keby to zas začalo robiť... ohlásim sa... zatím dík.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
13 komentov
shit happens
chod na fb a najdi si skupinu "letemsvetemapplem"..liknu ju, a potom im hod na nastenku svoj problem a video..tam ti budu vediet poradit
My problems started recently, just after I got my tablet and installed all the software that came with it. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the problem, but I figured I'd mention it. The tablet itself (a Wacom Bamboo Create) did give me problems at first, but after re-installing the drivers from Wacom's website and giving my Macbook a restart, the problems with the tablet went away.
cize ak mas podobny problem, skus tiez preinstalovat drivers, restartuj a daj vediet, ci ti to islo