i ked tento rok ani nejdem tak mi to moze byt jedno... minule som zohnal na poslednu chvilku odvoz a kamaratov co tam boli a teraz uz nebudem nikoho otravovat ked ta niktoo koho poznam nechce ist vacsinou
Intracerebrally Consuming Cephalalgia Through the Cranium Macerating Debrisfucked Manure Ingested Remains of the Mindfucked Cataplexic Wicked Mankind Whom Fistfucked the Progenies from the Deepest Depths of the Analmaggot Raped Human Pieces of Erotic Shitmasses Which Gave Birth to Worthless Eunuchs as Travesty for Cumstained Whorefaced Sluts Enslaved by This Stupid Society Full of Fetal Garbages
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
11 komentov
i ked tento rok ani nejdem tak mi to moze byt jedno... minule som zohnal na poslednu chvilku odvoz a kamaratov co tam boli a teraz uz nebudem nikoho otravovat ked ta niktoo koho poznam nechce ist vacsinou
Intracerebrally Consuming Cephalalgia Through the Cranium Macerating Debrisfucked Manure Ingested Remains of the Mindfucked Cataplexic Wicked Mankind Whom Fistfucked the Progenies from the Deepest Depths of the Analmaggot Raped Human Pieces of Erotic Shitmasses Which Gave Birth to Worthless Eunuchs as Travesty for Cumstained Whorefaced Sluts Enslaved by This Stupid Society Full of Fetal Garbages