When She came to our town,
Her hair were golden brown.
He came to her and very shy asked,
Then he throw his poems to the basket....
„Show me the sign when you will be mine!
Cause you are my greatest valentine“
These words which he wrote recently,
while Was speechless he sent her this notice only...
She was happy but she needed some time!
And wanted to go out for a cola with a lime.
She loved his eyes which had colour- green,
He always did a favour for her, he was not mean!
During one long and beautiful night,
Someone „smart“ turn down the light!
In the same bed they were lying,
(And one girl in the room was crying
I don´t know if something happened,
Because suddenly the door were opened!
All the people in the same room,
Were sure that it will be big boom!
But everyone was wrong!
each other they don´t belong
I hope they will be together!
And love one another forever!
That´s my wish,
And I finish!
OSPRAVEDLNUJEM SA ZA CHYBY moja prvá v cudzom jazyku
hm celkom zaujímavé... a obdivujem ľudí čo sa pokúsia niečo tvoriť v cudzom jazyku... osobne ovládam angličtinu aj kvôli škole na slušnej úrovni no nepúšťam sa do toho z jedného dôvodu: v cudzom jazyku máš menšiu slovnú zásobu, nedokážeš presne vyjadriť čo chceš, trochu to zväzuje...
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.