Aký je váš názor na to ako sa stavia cirkev proti filmu Avengers?
Pred chvíľou som narazila na fórum kde sa riešili negatívne názory voči The Human Body Exhibition, ktoré prezentuje cirkev. Mňa by skôr zaujímalo aký máte názor na to ako sa stavia cirkev proti filmu Avengers?
Pred nedávnom som našla tento článok ( je po anglicky ale verím že to nie je problém preložiť )
"The film “The Avengers”, which is about a group of superheroes (demons who believe that their magical powers are stronger than Jesus) trying to “save” the Earth. The film was produced by the increasingly evil and homosexual Disney Corporation as a way of promoting the use of magical powers. It is based on Disney’s “Marvel” series of comics, intended as a recruitment tool to lure autistic teens in
to witchcraft and homosexuality.
Now, the evil Disney Corporation is planning a mindnumbingly evil and homosexual sequel. In the planned sequel, homosexual superhero recruiter Nick Fury forces the superheros to perform homosexual acts on each other. By performing these acts on each other, they generate evil magic that will stop Loki, who represents Christ, from saving mankind from their sins. Just imagine our children watching Hulk and Thor engaged in sick homosexual contact! Disgusting! In addition, there is rumored to be an appearance from homosexual “superhero” Batman, a damaging force on American youth since his conception.
Prevent your children from seeing this horrendous spectacle of homosexual activity and provide them with another activity, like staying home and reading the bible."
Mňa to neuveriteľne nahnevalo ale aj rozosmialo pretože veta: Just imagine our children watching Hulk and Thor engaged in sick homosexual contact! Hulk a Thor ? Niečo mi asi ušlo pri pozeraní filmu =D
a zas cirkev sa asi bude stavať kriticky ku všetkému čo neprezentuje jedného boha, kde sú iné cvilizácie, formy života a podobne, kde ju zosmiešňujú alebo pletú o nej konšpiračné teórie
hlavné je že si z toho nikto ťažkú hlavu nerobí lebo väčšina ľudí (aj veriacich) pochopila čo je cirkev za odpad...
"posted July 19, 2012 by Barnald Mertog " ano presne toto je jasny dokaz, ze sa jedna o NAZOR CIRKVI a ze ma voci tomu CIRKEV vyhrady ako keby predstavitelia cirkvi nemali nic ine na praci len kritizovat kazdy film
ale ano.. v celku je smutne, ze su i ludia schopni chapat to takto.. a zakladat o tom fora..
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
27 komentov
ich prídem nakopať. KTHXBAI.
moja sedliacka mysel oblbnuta scifi serialmi usudila
"The film “The Avengers”, which is about a group of superheroes (demons who believe that their magical powers are stronger than Jesus) trying to “save” the Earth. The film was produced by the increasingly evil and homosexual Disney Corporation as a way of promoting the use of magical powers. It is based on Disney’s “Marvel” series of comics, intended as a recruitment tool to lure autistic teens in
to witchcraft and homosexuality.
Now, the evil Disney Corporation is planning a mindnumbingly evil and homosexual sequel. In the planned sequel, homosexual superhero recruiter Nick Fury forces the superheros to perform homosexual acts on each other. By performing these acts on each other, they generate evil magic that will stop Loki, who represents Christ, from saving mankind from their sins. Just imagine our children watching Hulk and Thor engaged in sick homosexual contact! Disgusting! In addition, there is rumored to be an appearance from homosexual “superhero” Batman, a damaging force on American youth since his conception.
Prevent your children from seeing this horrendous spectacle of homosexual activity and provide them with another activity, like staying home and reading the bible."
Mňa to neuveriteľne nahnevalo ale aj rozosmialo pretože veta: Just imagine our children watching Hulk and Thor engaged in sick homosexual contact! Hulk a Thor ? Niečo mi asi ušlo pri pozeraní filmu =D
Asi jediné fantasy/scifi čo môžu ľudia obdivovať musí byť biblia.
ár jú fakin kidin mé ?
(kedy oni cestovali v čase?
dobre, spomínam si, ale nerobia to bežne
A áno, cestovali aj časom, aj SG-1, aj Sheppard z Atlantis-u
(byť kresťanom, som skôr proti tvrdeniu, že boh(ovia) sú mimozemšťania
a zas cirkev sa asi bude stavať kriticky ku všetkému čo neprezentuje jedného boha, kde sú iné cvilizácie, formy života a podobne, kde ju zosmiešňujú alebo pletú o nej konšpiračné teórie
hlavné je že si z toho nikto ťažkú hlavu nerobí lebo väčšina ľudí (aj veriacich) pochopila čo je cirkev za odpad...
"posted July 19, 2012 by Barnald Mertog " ano presne toto je jasny dokaz, ze sa jedna o NAZOR CIRKVI a ze ma voci tomu CIRKEV vyhrady ako keby predstavitelia cirkvi nemali nic ine na praci len kritizovat kazdy film
ale ano.. v celku je smutne, ze su i ludia schopni chapat to takto.. a zakladat o tom fora..