Zdravím, doma som našiel mincu, je na nej napísané že "Republica Dos Estados Unidos Do" v strede je Brasil, jej hodnota je 400 Reis, je pekná, vyzerá ako niklová alebo neaká taká, nepýtajte sa ma ako sa tu u nás vzala , neviete mi zistiť jej hodnotu v
"Your 400 reis coin from Brazil is worth only a few US dollars. It is minted in copper-nickel. The one in my picture is in average circulated condition, and it might command $2 US dollars from a collector eager to add it to his or her collection. If yours is more worn than this one, it is worth less. In fully uncirculated condition, the value would rise toward $15. These coins were minted from 1918 to 1935. All dates have about the same value as chrisgo's."
Ak ju chces predat, tak bud si najdi nejakeho zberatela, alebo ju skus vydrazit na ebay. Kazdopadne si myslim, ze ich je v obehu hafo a teda ju az tak dobre nepredas...
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
2 komenty
"Your 400 reis coin from Brazil is worth only a few US dollars. It is minted in copper-nickel. The one in my picture is in average circulated condition, and it might command $2 US dollars from a collector eager to add it to his or her collection. If yours is more worn than this one, it is worth less. In fully uncirculated condition, the value would rise toward $15. These coins were minted from 1918 to 1935. All dates have about the same value as chrisgo's."