mám fest obrovský, debilný a ešte neviem aký problém v hre, skúsim vám ho opísať
predstavte si že hrávate nejakú tu hru, ide v pohode,
potom preinštalujete win a nainštalujete tú hru tnovu z rovnakého DVDčka ako predtým, nič sa pri inštalácii nepos
ta skúsim niečo s tými drivermi, uvidíme inak som zabudol, predtým som to hrával na rok a pol starých driveroch a SP2, teraz mám najnovšie a SP3, môže to s tým mať niečo spoločné?
zrejme pri loadovani toho -niecoho- sa nacita subor, ktory bude pravdepodobne poskodeny, alebo nefunguje spravne... kedze ine hry ti idu na ten isty engine tak to bude chyba v jednom subore, v ktorom ti neporadim...
a aj ti napíše niečo pri errore? nenapíše to cestu k poškodenému súboru?
ak áno, tak si to zapíš a názov súboru zadaj do google...nájdi zahraničné fóra, kde sa riešia tieto problémy a stiahni potrebný súbor z netu.
asi si pokazil nieco pri instalacii alebo sa tej hre len nechcea ani mne by sa nechcelo sa z tym srat hry podla mna dost silno zabijaju volny cas ktoreho mam aj tak malo nvm no ale podla mna to bude nieco ako problem z malim p takze to skus preinstalovat podla nejakych opravnych navodov alebo ak je to lepsia hra tak skus najst nejaky opravny balicek nieco ako patch alebo creck
1. rezidentné programy.
to sú tie programy, čo ti bežia v pozadí, a napríklad majú ikonku vedľa hodín, alebo aj nie. niektorý z tých čo tam beží to možno spôsobuje. alebo je to vírus, to je tiež rezidentný program.
takže: preskenovať antivírom, a vypnúť všetko čo sa ti pospúšťa pri štarte počítača a dá sa to vypnúť, potom skúsiť spustiť hru.
2. poškodená ramka - normálne, hardvérovo.
takže: skúsiť ju vymeniť (nekupuj ju, len si od niekoho požičaj).
ale nemusí to byť ani jedno z toho, každopádne to tak vyzerá. niečo proste chybne alokuje pamäť, a fifa sa do nej potom snaží písať, ale nejde to.
mimochodom, aj to často spôsobujú ovládače.
gl_error_message="The game can not start"
GL:5511="The system clock time/date is invalid. Please verify the time and date on your computer and try again."
GL:5512="The system clock time/date continues to be invalid. Please verify the time and date on your computer and try again."
GL:5513="The license definitions are invalid. Please refer to your customer service website to resolve this issue."
GL:5514="The registration code is invalid for this product. Find your registration code either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card."
GL:5515="For security reasons, only a limited number of concurrently active licenses are allowed. This limit has been reached. Please wait until one of the other licenses auto-expires, then try again."
GL:5516="The registration code is invalid for this product. Find your registration code either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card."
GL:5517="A license can not be retrieved for this game. Please try again later."
GL:5531="The game seems to be improperly configured so it is unable to start. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5532="The game is not able to start properly. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5533="The game seems to be tampered with. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5534="There is a problem with verifying ownership of your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again."
GL:5535="The license seems to be improperly configured. Please wait a few minutes and try again."
GL:5536="The license server is down. Please wait a few minutes and try again."
GL:5560="The game's registry seems to be improperly configured so it is unable to launch. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5570="The game installation has become corrupt. Please reinstall."
GL:5571="The game seems to be missing configuration files so it is unable to launch. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5572="The game's configuration file is corrupt. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5573="There is a problem with verifying ownership of your game. Please verify your game registration code and reinstall your game."
GL:5574="The game needs access to the internet in order to verify ownership of this game. Please ensure that your computer is online and try again."
GL:5575="Thank you for your interest in this game; however, the trial period for this game has ended. To continue playing, please purchase the full version.”
GL:5580="Out of system resources. Please reboot your computer and try again."
GL:5600="The game can not establish a connection with the internet. Please verify that you are online and try again."
GL:5601="There seems to be a problem connecting to the license servers. Please reinstall and try again."
GL:5602="There seems to be a problem contacting the license server. Ensure your internet connection is active and try again in a few minutes."
GL:5603="There seems to be a problem with the license server. Please try again in a few minutes."
GL:5604="There seems to be a problem with establishing a connection to the internet. Please shutdown other applications and try again or reboot your computer."
GL:5622="For security reasons, only a limited number of machines can ever be licensed by a single purchase. This limit has been reached. Please purchase another registration code, reinstall, and then try again."
GL:5627="This game's registration code is invalid. Please reinstall the game."
GL:5631="This game is not configured to be released at this time. Please try later."
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
32 komentov
@3 a @5 nie, XP
SP3...to je niečo, čo sa mi nepáči...spomalil sa mi odvtedy comp
ak áno, tak si to zapíš a názov súboru zadaj do google...nájdi zahraničné fóra, kde sa riešia tieto problémy a stiahni potrebný súbor z netu.
1. rezidentné programy.
to sú tie programy, čo ti bežia v pozadí, a napríklad majú ikonku vedľa hodín, alebo aj nie. niektorý z tých čo tam beží to možno spôsobuje. alebo je to vírus, to je tiež rezidentný program.
takže: preskenovať antivírom, a vypnúť všetko čo sa ti pospúšťa pri štarte počítača a dá sa to vypnúť, potom skúsiť spustiť hru.
2. poškodená ramka - normálne, hardvérovo.
takže: skúsiť ju vymeniť (nekupuj ju, len si od niekoho požičaj).
ale nemusí to byť ani jedno z toho, každopádne to tak vyzerá. niečo proste chybne alokuje pamäť, a fifa sa do nej potom snaží písať, ale nejde to.
mimochodom, aj to často spôsobujú ovládače.
@harlequin ... jasne PEBKAC rulez
GL:5511="The system clock time/date is invalid. Please verify the time and date on your computer and try again."
GL:5512="The system clock time/date continues to be invalid. Please verify the time and date on your computer and try again."
GL:5513="The license definitions are invalid. Please refer to your customer service website to resolve this issue."
GL:5514="The registration code is invalid for this product. Find your registration code either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card."
GL:5515="For security reasons, only a limited number of concurrently active licenses are allowed. This limit has been reached. Please wait until one of the other licenses auto-expires, then try again."
GL:5516="The registration code is invalid for this product. Find your registration code either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card."
GL:5517="A license can not be retrieved for this game. Please try again later."
GL:5531="The game seems to be improperly configured so it is unable to start. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5532="The game is not able to start properly. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5533="The game seems to be tampered with. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5534="There is a problem with verifying ownership of your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again."
GL:5535="The license seems to be improperly configured. Please wait a few minutes and try again."
GL:5536="The license server is down. Please wait a few minutes and try again."
GL:5560="The game's registry seems to be improperly configured so it is unable to launch. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5570="The game installation has become corrupt. Please reinstall."
GL:5571="The game seems to be missing configuration files so it is unable to launch. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5572="The game's configuration file is corrupt. Please reinstall your game."
GL:5573="There is a problem with verifying ownership of your game. Please verify your game registration code and reinstall your game."
GL:5574="The game needs access to the internet in order to verify ownership of this game. Please ensure that your computer is online and try again."
GL:5575="Thank you for your interest in this game; however, the trial period for this game has ended. To continue playing, please purchase the full version.”
GL:5580="Out of system resources. Please reboot your computer and try again."
GL:5600="The game can not establish a connection with the internet. Please verify that you are online and try again."
GL:5601="There seems to be a problem connecting to the license servers. Please reinstall and try again."
GL:5602="There seems to be a problem contacting the license server. Ensure your internet connection is active and try again in a few minutes."
GL:5603="There seems to be a problem with the license server. Please try again in a few minutes."
GL:5604="There seems to be a problem with establishing a connection to the internet. Please shutdown other applications and try again or reboot your computer."
GL:5622="For security reasons, only a limited number of machines can ever be licensed by a single purchase. This limit has been reached. Please purchase another registration code, reinstall, and then try again."
GL:5627="This game's registration code is invalid. Please reinstall the game."
GL:5631="This game is not configured to be released at this time. Please try later."