Kam isť cez leto na jazykový pobyt za účelom nielen naučenia sa cudzí jazyk ale aj za zábavou? (Anglicko)
Malta mi príde moc len o žúroch a je tam veľa čechov a slovákov. V UK ma zaujal Brignton. čo vy na to? Máte nejaké skusenosti? Chcela by som sa v zdokovaliť v angličtine, ale aj žurovať ( s mierou).
@najivna dúfam, že rozumieš anglicky Ja hovorím o tomto
Under the BBPA's Challenge 21 scheme, customers attempting to buy alcoholic beverages are asked to prove their age if in the retailer's opinion they look under 21 even though the law states they must be a minimum of 18. Many supermarket and off-licence chains display Challenge 21 notices stating that they will not serve persons who look under 21 without ID
Challenge 21 is a scheme in the United Kingdom introduced by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) aimed at preventing young people gaining access to age restricted products including cigarettes and alcohol.[1] Under the scheme, customers attempting to buy age-restricted products are asked to prove their age if in the retailer's opinion they look under 21, even though the minimum age to buy alcohol and cigarettes in the UK is 18. The scheme was launched in 2005 in a JD Wetherspoon outlet in Biddulph.[2] The scheme has since been taken over by RASG (the Retail of Alcohol Standards Group).
ja som bola na Malte a celkom sa mi tam páčilo ...aj ked ma sklamalo, ze vacsina ludi boli zahranicni studenti, teda som skoro ani nevidela Maltanov, az na rodinu v ktorej som byvala (
@sarah_whiteflower chcem sa spýtať či už si bola v Londýne a či si bola tiež na nejakom pobyte.... ak hej išla ci cez školu alebo cez nejakú agentúru, ja by som chcela ísť tiež na nejaký pobyt no neviem či mám ist cez školu alebo cez agentúru
@21tana21 Ja som bola v Londýne asi sedemkrát na týždeň a viac, ale v tom, či ísť cez školu alebo cez agentúru ti určite neporadím, ja tam mám rodičov a chodím za nimi sama cez seba, tj. kúpim si letenku a letím
Caute ludia, ja som bola na jazykovom pobyte v Brightone. Brighton je super mesto, take akurat. Vsetci studenti zo skoly sa vzdy vecer zisti v pube Kings and Queens - taky typycky v anglickom style Do pubu vpustali len na ID od 18 rokov a alkohol bol tiez od 18. Odporucam jazykové pobyty EF...ak chcete vidiet fotky kludne si ma pridajte na FB: » facebook.com/jazykovypobyt...
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
24 komentov
.... fajn, viem, chceš sa zdokonaliť v angličtine
takže brignton, hej?
» www.erowid.org/chemicals/alcoh...
Under the BBPA's Challenge 21 scheme, customers attempting to buy alcoholic beverages are asked to prove their age if in the retailer's opinion they look under 21 even though the law states they must be a minimum of 18. Many supermarket and off-licence chains display Challenge 21 notices stating that they will not serve persons who look under 21 without ID
Challenge 21 is a scheme in the United Kingdom introduced by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) aimed at preventing young people gaining access to age restricted products including cigarettes and alcohol.[1] Under the scheme, customers attempting to buy age-restricted products are asked to prove their age if in the retailer's opinion they look under 21, even though the minimum age to buy alcohol and cigarettes in the UK is 18. The scheme was launched in 2005 in a JD Wetherspoon outlet in Biddulph.[2] The scheme has since been taken over by RASG (the Retail of Alcohol Standards Group).
ja rozumiem neviem ako ty pozri sa co si napisal v @7
toto hovori len o tom ze ak podla predavaca vyzera na menej ako 21 on od nej vypyta id aby si overil ci ma aspon 18
london je to co chces aby bol..