Ahojte, mám takú trápenjšiu otázku, chceme ísť do slušného baru/reštaurácie, a ešte nikdy som nepil whiskey, už dlhšie plánujem si kúpiť niekde a vyskúšať... , a možno práve teraz nastal ten čas, 18 už mám, tak s tým nieje problém , ako by som si mohol
ja by som to skúsil takto, pán vrchný - mám delikátnu prosbičku nakloň sa k nemu a pošuškaj mu to on ťa potľapká po pleci a ak mu ťa príde ľúto môže sa stať že tú whiskey dostaneš zadarmo
@atropabelladona Whisky is good, cognag is better.
V skratke Jack Daniel's nie je ani whisky. Je to bourbon (ale 99% ludi nevie aky je medzi tym rozdiel tak je to jedno). Ked chces whisky tak skus irskeho Jamesona alebo Tullamore Dew. Alebo skotsku whisky Johhnie Walker.
Ja osobne odporucam Koňak. Bezne dostupny a dobry je napr. Hennessy Cognac. Hlavne Konak je chutovo iny ako whisky.
All bourbons are technically whiskey - just a specific type. Although bourbon got it's name from the county in Kentucky, geography has nothing to do with what is classified as a bourbon. To be classified as a "Bourbon Whiskey" you have to meet certain requirements. The mash must be made of at least 50% corn, but cannot be made of more than 75% corn. Also, the whiskey must be aged for at least 2 years (most distillers age for 4 years) in new charred-oak barrels. Finally, bourbon's cannot be stronger than 160 proof (80% alcohol).
Jack Daniels is whiskey but not bourbon because it is filtered through maple charcoal prior to being aged in oak barrels. This is done to give Jack Daniels a smoother finish and distinct taste, but it also disqualifies it from being a "bourbon".
Jack Daniels is whiskey.
Bourbon is whiskey.
Jack Daniels is not Bourbon.
Federal regulations require that Bourbon whiskey be made from a minimum of 51 percent corn. Other grains used may be rye, wheat and barley malt in any combination. By law, Bourbon must be distilled at no higher than 160 proof (vodka and neutral spirits are distilled at 190 proof) and aged in new, charred American white oak barrels at not more than 125 proof. Also, no colorings or flavorings can be added. Only distilled water may be added to the Bourbon before bottling, to achieve the proper bottling proof, which must be at least 80 proof. That's it for the requirements for Bourbon...it doesn't have to be made in Kentucky. Only to be called "Kentucky Bourbon" does it have to be made in Kentucky. In fact, there's a really nice Bourbon made in New York state.
Jack Daniel's adds an extra step, the charcoal mellowing or "Lincoln County Process" before it's aged. Therefore it cannot be legally called "Bourbon" but rather "Tennessee Whiskey."
nebolo by forum kde by sa spomenul jack daniels a zaroven sa niekto nedojebal s tymi recami o bourbone, este ze si sa zaradil medzi 1% veci znalych
@etelnair No a som zas mudrejsi o nieco. Ako vedel som ze whisky a bourbon sa lisia v zlozeni, ale nevedel som ze bourbon je podkategoria whisky. Ale co viem na 100% je ze JD je bourbon! Neviem odkial mas ten clanok ale something's not right there.
ako mne napr. tie skotske whiskey az tak nejdu, ani single malty ... ale irske ma beru a tych je pomenej, ale bezne sa tu da vcelku dostat napr. fajnovy Bushmills, alebo taky 18r Jameson nomnom
Bourbony nepijem, nemam rad jacka, jim beam a proste vsetky tie kravinky ...
a @cvirik888 a ako keby si chcel byt velky pan, tak si to vypytas bez ladu a do whiskey pohara (to nie je ten s hrubym sklom na dne, to je na vodku, ale taky podobny konakovemu so stopkou) a rukou co najviac vyhrievas, pije sa jemne tepla ... lebo pusta aromu (pred odpitim mas poriadne strcit nos do toho a nadychnut) ..
ale na prvotne šmakovky teda s ladom, aby to nebola na teba prisilna chut - to len ja zazeram uz, ked mi tam lad jebnu
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
23 komentov
» www.birdz.sk/forum/kaviaren/...
V skratke Jack Daniel's nie je ani whisky. Je to bourbon (ale 99% ludi nevie aky je medzi tym rozdiel tak je to jedno). Ked chces whisky tak skus irskeho Jamesona alebo Tullamore Dew. Alebo skotsku whisky Johhnie Walker.
Ja osobne odporucam Koňak. Bezne dostupny a dobry je napr. Hennessy Cognac. Hlavne Konak je chutovo iny ako whisky.
All bourbons are technically whiskey - just a specific type. Although bourbon got it's name from the county in Kentucky, geography has nothing to do with what is classified as a bourbon. To be classified as a "Bourbon Whiskey" you have to meet certain requirements. The mash must be made of at least 50% corn, but cannot be made of more than 75% corn. Also, the whiskey must be aged for at least 2 years (most distillers age for 4 years) in new charred-oak barrels. Finally, bourbon's cannot be stronger than 160 proof (80% alcohol).
Jack Daniels is whiskey but not bourbon because it is filtered through maple charcoal prior to being aged in oak barrels. This is done to give Jack Daniels a smoother finish and distinct taste, but it also disqualifies it from being a "bourbon".
Jack Daniels is whiskey.
Bourbon is whiskey.
Jack Daniels is not Bourbon.
Federal regulations require that Bourbon whiskey be made from a minimum of 51 percent corn. Other grains used may be rye, wheat and barley malt in any combination. By law, Bourbon must be distilled at no higher than 160 proof (vodka and neutral spirits are distilled at 190 proof) and aged in new, charred American white oak barrels at not more than 125 proof. Also, no colorings or flavorings can be added. Only distilled water may be added to the Bourbon before bottling, to achieve the proper bottling proof, which must be at least 80 proof. That's it for the requirements for Bourbon...it doesn't have to be made in Kentucky. Only to be called "Kentucky Bourbon" does it have to be made in Kentucky. In fact, there's a really nice Bourbon made in New York state.
Jack Daniel's adds an extra step, the charcoal mellowing or "Lincoln County Process" before it's aged. Therefore it cannot be legally called "Bourbon" but rather "Tennessee Whiskey."
nebolo by forum kde by sa spomenul jack daniels a zaroven sa niekto nedojebal s tymi recami o bourbone, este ze si sa zaradil medzi 1% veci znalych
» www.jackdaniels.com/...
» www.greatbourbon.com/proof.html...
» www.tuthilltown.com/...
Is Jack Daniel's a bourbon?
Jack Daniel's is not a bourbon - it's a Tennessee Whiskey.
snad budu vediet co vyrabaju, aj ked podla teba na 100% bourbon
Alebo Elizabeth Johnsa.
(Hoci Vala Rodneys tiež nemusí byť zlé)
ako mne napr. tie skotske whiskey az tak nejdu, ani single malty ... ale irske ma beru a tych je pomenej, ale bezne sa tu da vcelku dostat napr. fajnovy Bushmills, alebo taky 18r Jameson nomnom
Bourbony nepijem, nemam rad jacka, jim beam a proste vsetky tie kravinky ...
a @cvirik888 a ako keby si chcel byt velky pan, tak si to vypytas bez ladu a do whiskey pohara (to nie je ten s hrubym sklom na dne, to je na vodku, ale taky podobny konakovemu so stopkou) a rukou co najviac vyhrievas, pije sa jemne tepla ... lebo pusta aromu (pred odpitim mas poriadne strcit nos do toho a nadychnut) ..
ale na prvotne šmakovky teda s ladom, aby to nebola na teba prisilna chut - to len ja zazeram uz, ked mi tam lad jebnu