I miss something and i do know what,
its hidden in summertime and causing sadness,
Im filled with happines, fighting with madness!
I feel free, uncovered,
loving it,
having wind in my hair and storm in my brain..
At the same time - I wanna travel the world and sit on the chair at home,
That home i dont have and i do
My home is the world, my partner is my life.
Carpe diem dear secret lover
Dont try to catch me
U never will
Thats who i am
Forever and never alone.
Thats who i am.
no one can own me,
no one can tie me
only one will have my signature and the deal with my mind!
- trying to keep me his whole life.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.