No more finding it exciting to see him on line.
No more hoping that one time he will come and tell me that he loves me.
No more watching him and pretending that I am not interested.
No more stupid monologues about what a great person he is.
No more seeing him through pink glasses.
No more thinking that he is something more as the rest.
No more thinking that he would never hurt me...
NO MORE even thinking about you!

now, the new episode is starting... with you... no more like someone who i love and adore... now just like friend... and our friendship with advantages... ; )

vive  19. 7. 2010 23:06
Hoci som úplne nezainteresovaný, nechcem ani náhodou vedieť, čo sa stalo (pokial mi to sama nebudes chciet povedať), radšej nie... no more

A posledné dva riadky sú o M.M.?
ssnehulienka  20. 7. 2010 16:54
maťo, furt o tom istom a jednom človeku z gbasu ty dobre vieš o kom... je ot to celé,.. ono to skončilo všetko už dávno toto je le ntak.. na zhrnutie... a cítim že už vieme začať znovu
vive  20. 7. 2010 16:56
to mi došlo z poslednej vety
ssnehulienka  20. 7. 2010 21:15
no sorry
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