What the hell is wrong with you ?
Great nose, grand mind,
fine milled to the dust by being too fast in one place.
Like... Why on the Earth are you not allright,
but chipping piece of yourself with all your might,
trying to seem so ragged and edged, kind of grunge... ish.
Is your destruction your ultimate wish ?
Do you think that half dead is cool ?
Because let me tell you something,
the only thing that half dead is more cool like
is DEAD. For in life there is glory, there is pain,
there is joy and sorrow, there are moments so mundane
that yeah, sure you get bored time to time,
but it will be that kinf of boredoom that wont add wrinkles to your friends,
IT will give them smiles. IT will light fires
in hearts of your mates and in minds of your foes.
Be happy, boring man, not your sorrows hoe.
Som si vedomý gramatických chýb v tom, lenže editácia blogov nefunguje takže...
*finely *pieces *half-dead *from time to time *kind *boredom(aj keď existuje aj boredoom, čo je slang ale významovo pri silný pre dané použitie) *won't *za "Be happy" nemá byť čiarka.
Snáď som nič nevynechal .
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.