@torpedo08@9 nie, čo si... Iba občas, keď som niekde preč z domu a nemám u seba kefku, tak si prebehnem zuby tou záchodovou, to je ešte v pohode si myslím, ale hento čo ty robíš, no čistý humus
Panicka je nejaka hakliva no asponze vies naco je dobra zachodova kefa pri odolnejsich zvyskoch jedla v zuboch odporucam aj pouzitu kefu na prepchavanie odpadov lepsie totiz prilne do medzizubnych picovin
pocuvaj prisaham co sa mi teraz stalo! Idem si umyt akurat zuby ked uz je o tom rec a kefka nikde mam aj nahradnu ale kde zmizla henta nehovorte mi ze neni nic medzi nebom a zemou ked sa toto udeje
@lenkaska1@19 ja tiež nemávam poohýbané štetiny a to kefkou mixlujem všelijak pri čistení, nechápem jak to ludia dokážu ohnúť, či tie kefky kúšu alebo čo raz si jeden človek dovolil požičať moju zubnú kefku a zistila som to tak, že bola po jednom použitý celá dokrčená
máme UV dezinfekčný držiak, čiže mením keď začne byť jej vlas/chlp/akokoľvek to nazveš taký použitý že cítim že prestáva fungovať.
@Tequila funguje. mojej mame fungovalo. článok nehovorí o žiadnom nefungovaní, pokiaľ som dobre skimmol, hovorí len o "zbytočných biopsiách".
A? Radšej zopár zbytočných vyšetrení ako zopár neodchytených rokov rakoviny. Fakt som absolútne nepochopil pointu toho článku, písal ho podľa mňa nejaký feels fanatik.
@tequila@22 ešte inak: celý argument článku mi pripadal ekvivalentný k "ak vás obrovsky do hĺbky po škaredom páde bolí ruka, tak sebadiagnostika že je to možno zlomenina, a idenie na reálne vyšetrenie, sú kontraproduktívne"
...ale zas priznávam že som ho fakt len skimmol, lebo už od nadpisu to na mňa kričí že nezmysel, ešte aj predtým ako zarátam anecdotal evidence kde bez toho sebavyšetrenia by mama nijak nezistila.
@midnight@24 ale v statuse odomna nie je zverejneny konkretny clanok, ale cela fraza vyhladavania na gugli s mnozstvom relevantnych studii. samovysetrenie je absolutne neefektivne a zenam len skodi - hlavne psychicky, ale aj fyzicky. zavrhlo ju aj samotne WHO, len u nas sa stale propaguje. preco?
...ja mám inú otázku:
prečo by si vyjadrenia Wuhan Health Organization brala ako relevantné, keď sa prinajmenšom za posledné dva roky ukázalo že absolútne nie sú?
"samovysetrenie je absolutne neefektivne a zenam len skodi"
chce sa ti zhrnúť mi dôvody? lebo tie dva čo som ja videl boli:
- zbytočné biopsie
- psychický stres
doplň prosím, ak sa ti chce, tie čo som nevidel z iných článkov.
to je naozaj prosba.
@midnight@26 Áno, v podstate ide "len" o tieto veci - lenže zbytocne uzkosti a biopsie su vzhladom na nepotrebnost celej procedury dost velky problem.
"Breast self-examination (BSE) was once promoted heavily as a means of finding cancer at a more curable stage, but large randomized controlled studies found that it was not effective in preventing death, and actually caused harm through needless biopsies, surgery, and anxiety. The World Health Organization and other organizations recommend against BSE.
According to a meta-analysis in the Cochrane Collaboration, two large trials in Russia and Shanghai found no beneficial effects of screening by breast self-examination "but do suggest increased harm in terms of increased numbers of benign lesions identified and an increased number of biopsies performed". They concluded, "At present, screening by breast self-examination or physical examination cannot be recommended."
Although breast self-examination increases the number of biopsies performed on women, it does not reduce mortality from breast cancer. In a large clinical trial involving more than 260,000 female Chinese factory workers, half were carefully taught by nurses at their factories to perform monthly breast self-exam, and the other half were not.
The women taught self-exam detected more benign (normal or harmless lumps) or early-stage breast disease, but equal numbers of women died from breast cancer in each group. Some charitable organizations still promote BSE as a universal screening approach, even in the low-risk women who are most likely to be harmed by unnecessary follow-up procedures.
Writer Gayle A. Sulik, in her book Pink Ribbon Blues, suggests that these charities are motivated by their donations depending on fear of breast cancer. Breast self-examinations are based on the assumption that cancer develops by steady growth of the tumor.
According to breast cancer specialist and surgeon Susan Love, "Breast cancer doesn't work like that...it's sneaky. You could examine yourself every day and suddenly find a walnut.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
29 komentov
Menim si cca kazde 3 tyzdne a vzdy po chorobe
Menim celej rodine lebo ich to zrejme nezaujima (im tak kazdych 6-7 tyzdnov)
Zrovna minuly tyzden som bola zaniest do curaproxu na recyklaciu 21 kefiek
Viac mi vadia medzizubne kefky, na tom mam pocit ze skrachujem… po 2 pouzitiach su ohnute tak ze mam chut ich vyhodit
@Tequila funguje. mojej mame fungovalo. článok nehovorí o žiadnom nefungovaní, pokiaľ som dobre skimmol, hovorí len o "zbytočných biopsiách".
A? Radšej zopár zbytočných vyšetrení ako zopár neodchytených rokov rakoviny. Fakt som absolútne nepochopil pointu toho článku, písal ho podľa mňa nejaký feels fanatik.
...ale zas priznávam že som ho fakt len skimmol, lebo už od nadpisu to na mňa kričí že nezmysel, ešte aj predtým ako zarátam anecdotal evidence kde bez toho sebavyšetrenia by mama nijak nezistila.
...ja mám inú otázku:
prečo by si vyjadrenia Wuhan Health Organization brala ako relevantné, keď sa prinajmenšom za posledné dva roky ukázalo že absolútne nie sú?
"samovysetrenie je absolutne neefektivne a zenam len skodi"
chce sa ti zhrnúť mi dôvody? lebo tie dva čo som ja videl boli:
- zbytočné biopsie
- psychický stres
doplň prosím, ak sa ti chce, tie čo som nevidel z iných článkov.
to je naozaj prosba.
"Breast self-examination (BSE) was once promoted heavily as a means of finding cancer at a more curable stage, but large randomized controlled studies found that it was not effective in preventing death, and actually caused harm through needless biopsies, surgery, and anxiety. The World Health Organization and other organizations recommend against BSE.
According to a meta-analysis in the Cochrane Collaboration, two large trials in Russia and Shanghai found no beneficial effects of screening by breast self-examination "but do suggest increased harm in terms of increased numbers of benign lesions identified and an increased number of biopsies performed". They concluded, "At present, screening by breast self-examination or physical examination cannot be recommended."
Although breast self-examination increases the number of biopsies performed on women, it does not reduce mortality from breast cancer. In a large clinical trial involving more than 260,000 female Chinese factory workers, half were carefully taught by nurses at their factories to perform monthly breast self-exam, and the other half were not.
The women taught self-exam detected more benign (normal or harmless lumps) or early-stage breast disease, but equal numbers of women died from breast cancer in each group. Some charitable organizations still promote BSE as a universal screening approach, even in the low-risk women who are most likely to be harmed by unnecessary follow-up procedures.
Writer Gayle A. Sulik, in her book Pink Ribbon Blues, suggests that these charities are motivated by their donations depending on fear of breast cancer. Breast self-examinations are based on the assumption that cancer develops by steady growth of the tumor.
According to breast cancer specialist and surgeon Susan Love, "Breast cancer doesn't work like that...it's sneaky. You could examine yourself every day and suddenly find a walnut.