Otehotnieť v mladom veku je veľmi nezodpovedné. Jediná pozitívna vec je,že sa matka teší na dieťa. Môže dať niekomu život.
Keď matka otehotnie v 16 rokoch,tak je to nezodpovedné. Musí nechať školu a pripravovať sa na dieťa. Musí sa vzdať veľa vecí. Nesmie chodiť von a zabávať sa s priateľmi.
Ak otec dieťaťa ostane s ňou tak jej to veľmi pomôže. Veľa budúcich otcov v takom mladom veku odíde preč. Nezáleží im na ich budúcom dieťati.
Matka si môže školu dokončiť keď bude mať dieťa viac rokov. Je to určite ťažké, ale aj pekne.
To get impregnated at a such young age is really irresponsible. This can be apologized only if the girl in question really enjoyed the intercourse that preceded this situation. Anyways, she can always give a life to someone. Bonus points, if that someone has been already deceased.
It is irresponsible if the mother gets pregnant at the age of sixteen. She has to abandon the school and her previous way of life. Forever. She has to also give up many other things, such as her virginity, dignity and her first born stillborn son to the goblin king. She cannot leave the house and have fun with her random acquaintances.
It is really helpful if the donor of the genetic information stays with his mother. Many young seducers just leave for their own adventure and never go back, neglecting their children only to be devoured by some kind of sea demon at some point of their life.
The mother can educate herself later, when she is old and wrinkly and beautiful.
Isto je tam veľa chyb, ospravedlňujem sa, písala som to na zachode
@mielikki myslim, ze sa pise "preceeded" a trochu mi nesedi to "his mother", skor "the mother (of the child)" ak to bol umysel tak chapem ale.
Inak popici preklad, klobuk dolu, ziskavas 20 bludistakov a moj nehynuci obdiv
"at a such young age" - zvukovo mi sedí skôr "at such a young age"
"She has to also" mi nesedí, skôr "She also has to"
"her first born stillborn son" mi tiež nesedí, skôr by som povedal, že "her first yet stillborn son"
"the mother" mi tiež nesedí, skôr len "mother" alebo "her mother"
"It is irresponsible if the mother gets pregnant at the age of sixteen. " by som upravil nasledovne, aby to znelo, že to je nezodpovedné práve od matky, ale to je už detail: "It is irresponsible of mother to get pregnant at the age of sixteen."
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
9 komentov
Keď matka otehotnie v 16 rokoch,tak je to nezodpovedné. Musí nechať školu a pripravovať sa na dieťa. Musí sa vzdať veľa vecí. Nesmie chodiť von a zabávať sa s priateľmi.
Ak otec dieťaťa ostane s ňou tak jej to veľmi pomôže. Veľa budúcich otcov v takom mladom veku odíde preč. Nezáleží im na ich budúcom dieťati.
Matka si môže školu dokončiť keď bude mať dieťa viac rokov. Je to určite ťažké, ale aj pekne.
It is irresponsible if the mother gets pregnant at the age of sixteen. She has to abandon the school and her previous way of life. Forever. She has to also give up many other things, such as her virginity, dignity and her first born stillborn son to the goblin king. She cannot leave the house and have fun with her random acquaintances.
It is really helpful if the donor of the genetic information stays with his mother. Many young seducers just leave for their own adventure and never go back, neglecting their children only to be devoured by some kind of sea demon at some point of their life.
The mother can educate herself later, when she is old and wrinkly and beautiful.
Isto je tam veľa chyb, ospravedlňujem sa, písala som to na zachode
Inak popici preklad, klobuk dolu, ziskavas 20 bludistakov a moj nehynuci obdiv
"She has to also" mi nesedí, skôr "She also has to"
"her first born stillborn son" mi tiež nesedí, skôr by som povedal, že "her first yet stillborn son"
"the mother" mi tiež nesedí, skôr len "mother" alebo "her mother"
"It is irresponsible if the mother gets pregnant at the age of sixteen. " by som upravil nasledovne, aby to znelo, že to je nezodpovedné práve od matky, ale to je už detail: "It is irresponsible of mother to get pregnant at the age of sixteen."