28-ročná žena
najnedávnejšie lognutie24. 3.marca 2021 13:18
2994 dní na BIRDZi
regnutá od 13. decembra 2016
online 24. 3.marca 2021 13:18
@myastheniagravis, 28. 9.sept. 2020 22:23
My grief is heavy today. There is no-one to tell though. The clock on my grief...
@myastheniagravis, 10. 9.sept. 2020 23:44
Ležím v tme a rozmýšľam. Rozmýšľam nad tebou, nad ním a nad nami. Čo by...
@myastheniagravis, 7. 9.sept. 2020 12:58
Cannot believe a year has passed, a full year has passed since the worst day of my...
@myastheniagravis, 2. 5.mája 2020 15:34
Today would be the day. The day I got to hold you in my arms. Instead,...
@myastheniagravis, 20. 11.novembra 2019 21:41
I suffer more and more as the days pass.. I don’t think I realised the full extent of...
@myastheniagravis, 19. 9.sept. 2019 12:44
Your touch. His touch. Your lips. His breath. Your body. Their bodies. ...
@myastheniagravis, 25. 8.augusta 2019 02:49
You wanted something and I told you I wasn’t going to give it to you. You asked...