je to správne? This year, I will finish my high school and I will have my entrance exam for university, so after that I would like to work for you. It would realize in half June. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
i will finish my school this year and have to pass through the entrance exam at university. After this, I would like to work with you. It could be possible in half of June of this year. Im looking forward to hearing you soon.
poznamka prekladateľa: native speakers nerobia dlhé vety. 1-2 ideas per sentence is absolutely enough. resp. dlhšie vety sa môžu riešiť ešte inou interpunkciou, ale to nie je stredoškolské učivo
*after that znie prirodzenejšie
* I would like to start working in June if (it is) possible - neviem to vysvetliť, ale je to jednoducho lepšia formulácia (teda, ak chceš povedať, že by si pre nich chcela začať robiť v polovici júna)
* na konci - hearing FROM you
- this year tam nemusí byť, to je jasné z kontextu
- never ever use contactions - I´m; you´re vo formalnom texte. pekne to treba rozpísať
Tato veta >>> It would realize in half June. >>> nedava ziaden zmysel, a ani neviem co si nou chcel povdat
Zvysok: I am going to graduate from high school this year. I will also take my entrance exam for university. After that, I would like to start working for you
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
Komenty k téme
i will finish my school this year and have to pass through the entrance exam at university. After this, I would like to work with you. It could be possible in half of June of this year. Im looking forward to hearing you soon.
kind regards,
* I would like to start working in June if (it is) possible - neviem to vysvetliť, ale je to jednoducho lepšia formulácia (teda, ak chceš povedať, že by si pre nich chcela začať robiť v polovici júna)
* na konci - hearing FROM you
- this year tam nemusí byť, to je jasné z kontextu
- never ever use contactions - I´m; you´re vo formalnom texte. pekne to treba rozpísať
inak to, ako to napísal @chlorofyl a doplň to tu poznamku od @girl19955
Zvysok: I am going to graduate from high school this year. I will also take my entrance exam for university. After that, I would like to start working for you