@1 tak proste ma nenapada žiadny pribeh ... veď nemusite mi to cele napisat pomohlo by mi aspoň keby ste mi nejak stručne napisali čo by som tam aky dej mal dať
kedze to neni az tak tazke, skor si myslim ze mas problem s vymyslenim deja ako s anglictinou tak ti aspon poviem o com by to mohlo byt:
hmmm napriklad nieco o tom ze si nastastie ten film stihol, lenze ze si nanestastie zistil ze je to onicom, ze nastastie tam aspon hrala tvoja oblubena herecka, ze sa ti nanestastie nedalo prepnut na iny kanal, ze nastastie ta vyrusil kamarat, lenze nanestastie odisiel kvoli blbemu programu v telke, nastastie sa ti potom podarilo prepnut, naneststie sa ti pokazila telka, nastastie ta od nudy zachranil net a potom si nanestastie umrel
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
16 komentov
hmmm napriklad nieco o tom ze si nastastie ten film stihol, lenze ze si nanestastie zistil ze je to onicom, ze nastastie tam aspon hrala tvoja oblubena herecka, ze sa ti nanestastie nedalo prepnut na iny kanal, ze nastastie ta vyrusil kamarat, lenze nanestastie odisiel kvoli blbemu programu v telke, nastastie sa ti potom podarilo prepnut, naneststie sa ti pokazila telka, nastastie ta od nudy zachranil net a potom si nanestastie umrel
boze dufam ze som dobre napisala tu postupnost
dufam ze pomoze
Unfortunately, I died day before.
Fortunately, my family enjoyed it also without me.
Unfortunately, our neighbour got a cake stuck in his throat.
Fortunately, my English teacher pulled it out of his throat.
Unfortunately, he bit her hand.
Fortunately, it didnt bleed very much.
Unfortunately, he is suffering from rabies.
Fortunately, now she does too.
Unfortunately, i must write my homework because she would bite me.
Fortunately, I remembered that I had died last week.
Unfortunately the TV suddenly broke
Fortunately came my friend and she brought an alcohol
Unfortunately we weren´t much drunk
Fortunately came other friends and they brought LSD
Unfortunately I jumped out of window
Fortunately it was from 1st floor
Unfortunately I had a broken leg
Fortunately I survived
Unfortunately doctors did gastric lavage to me
Fortunately I didn´t go to school
There was a really good film on TV last night
Nanešťastie, TV sa vypla
Našťastie, máme doma 2 TV
Nanešťastie, film skončil
Našťastie, začal druhý dobrý film
Nanešťastie, spomenul som si, že mi treba urobiť homework
Našťastie, nebol som unavený
Nanešťastie, bol som už unavený
Našťastie, moja domáca bola hotová a mohol som ísť spať
Unfortunately i didnt feel like doing my homework anyways
Fortunately my friend let my copy his homework